Dr. Scott Pless, DVM

HoloHealth inc. Founder & Chief Executive Officer

HoloHealth Foundation Founder & President

Veterinary Bio-Tech Director of Research & Development

Earned the rank of Eagle Scout June 2012. My first job was a background actor in the first Hunger Games movie followed by 12 years of working in general practice and emergency animal hospitals throughout school, starting in the kennel scooping poop. Performed novel human breast cancer & prostate cancer treatment research and gained early acceptance to veterinary school before completing a Bachelors. Diagnosed with metastatic cancer my 3rd year of veterinary school yet didn’t delay a single assignment or exam despite 2 major surgeries. Graduated from St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine January 2022 with my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and the first doctor in my bloodline. Former Rehabilitation Department Founder & Director at several animal hospitals before becoming National Veterinary Medical Liaison and National Veterinary & Human Medical Sales Director at 1 Health Source. 2023-2024 UNCC Business Partner & UNCC Pre-Vet Club DVM Advisor. Founder of HoloHealth inc. and HoloHealth Foundation, valued at over 3 billion dollars market cap.

Author of several groundbreaking veterinary medical books. Inventor of multiple animal therapy equipment, devices, & methods. Pioneer in the field of Veterinary Thermal Imaging. Father of Veterinary Holographic Imaging. Inventor of many new fields of veterinary medicine.

And the future of Vet Med and beyond - Deus Vult.